Monday, August 26, 2013

Indian school kids to design Android apps

School students in the age group of 10-13 years will design mobile applications on Android platform in a countrywide contest.
"Students from schools across the country will participate in the first all-India Android mobile applications (app) design competition," Global Discovery Academy's chief product officer Vipul Redey said Bangalore Saturday.

"The contest has been designed to develop the thought process of students by exploring and generating their own unique concepts," Redey said.

The students will also compete in creating problem-solving applications in the areas of social concerns like environment, education, health, nutrition and civic amenities.

The criterion to participate is knowledge of computers and internet applications. The academy will provide training on mobile phone programming.

"We believe in leveraging technology as a tool to enhance conventional teaching and encourage students to ideate, explore and learn through exposure than rote-learning," Redey asserted.

In the three-stage contest, a participant has to describe to the academy by Sep 1 the app he/she will design and develop to serve a specific social cause, its functionality and user engagement.

In the second stage, a student has to submit a prototype of the mobile app to the academy for programme.

"Selected finalists will present the app idea and prototype at a special event in New Delhi and winners will be decided by a panel of judges on basis of creativity, effectiveness of the app and ease of its use," 

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