Sunday, November 24, 2013

The iPhone 6 glows beautifully in dark

I can’t tell if we had more iPhone 6 concepts or the Galaxy S5 ones lately, but they keep on coming, that’s for sure. Designer Iskander Utebayev has created a 3 sided screen iPhone, that would translate through an Apple handset with wraparound display.

This iPhone 6 concept involves a wraparound screen with controls placed on the side, touch ones, for volume, connectivity and basically the whole Control Center. The first problem that comes to mind on such a device is the fragility of the glass sides, that will be easy to scratch or break. The appeal here would be the design itself, looking beautiful in the dark and glowing with notifications discretely.
Overall this iPhone keeps the general lines of its predecessors, but it also adds some extra screen estate in the mix. I’m not sure how a phone maker would keep the user from accidentally pressing the sides of the device… I imagine special sensors would be incorporated here. Are we ready for such an iPhone?

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